Every day, millions of travelers cross time zones and international borders. For each individual traveler, knowledge of both the local time and the time at their origin is necessary to board flights on time as well as to communicate with family, friends, and coworkers back home.

Similarly, global time awareness is crucial for companies that conduct business internationally. Knowledge of the time at international branches and of international clients is important to maximize coordination and efficiency.

To suit these pressing world time needs, hotels, airports, train stations, bus terminals, business complexes, and logistics companies often incorporate Time Zone Clocks, which display the time in various selected cities and countries at once. However, many Time Zone Clocks do not utilize synchronization technology. After several weeks and months, the clocks will drift from the correct time (easily identifiable by the second hands not matching on the clocks). In addition, the clocks must be manually updated when Daylight Saving Time starts in a selected city or country, meaning someone must keep track of when Daylight Saving Time begins and ends in each zone.

Time Zone Clock Technology

To solve this, Sapling offers a professional Time Zone Clock. in which all clocks always show accurate time down to the second and automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time in each time zone. Sapling’s advanced technology enables transportation facilities and business complexes to display accurate time for multiple user-selected time zones, helping their customers and employees avoid confusion and increase efficiency.

Sapling Time Zone Clocks are typically offered as an IP-based system and take the accurate time over the internet (either via Wi-Fi or a wired LAN connection). For facilities that have already implemented a Sapling Synchronized Clock System, a Time Zone Clock is an easy addition to the system.

For more information about Sapling Time Zone Clocks and to design your own zone clock, visit our website at: PickAZoneClock.com

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